If you don't know already I am a fan of Apples products,this is coupled with a strange fact.I have never,ever owned anything made by Apple besides the copy of Snowleopard I run on a VirtualBox. I may not own one ,but I think I can speak with authority on the topic of "MacBook Pro with Lion,WiFi problems?" because of what I have seen on another machine and what I have Internet-ed. I have seen Lion run on a 2008 15 inch MacBook Pro - no WiFi problems ,why? It was fully updated.The reason I am actually posting this is that I recently tried helping someone with this problem on a not fully updated MacBook Pro(hence the extensive internet research).Of all the strange hacks and ideas the only eureka moments on the internet are when some guy posts ,"I updated and now it works". So there,if you are having WiFi problems on your MacBook pro with Lion,Update,it seems like it works and it makes more sense than "". The person I attempted to help ...