Version 1.2
Usage with Windows forms
Usage with WPF forms
The AeroGlass library accesses the
dwmapidll to extend the frames of windows for use with the C# language, this
gives the effect of having more glass areas on a window or making a window look
as if it is completely glass. The library aims to make implementing this method
easier so that you can achieve this effect with minimal code and will not have
to access the dll yourself,version 1.2 of the library is compatible with both
windows forms and WPF forms, though the implementation differs slightly. This
documentation covers the implementations of both types.
Usage with windows forms
There are 2 ways of implementing glass on a
Windows form using the AeroGlass library, one is to use the GlassPane controls
AutoExtend property and the other is to use code, let us first take a look at
the AutoExtend property method.
Before we begin it is worth noting that if
you use the AutoExtend method you can only place one GlassPane, if you place
another it will not work or errors may occur, it is for this reason that
AutoExtend is false by default.
For AutoExtend to work, the glass pane must
be docked, this will be explained later in the code section. To make a form
with an extended glass frame using this method, add the control to your toolbox
by right clicking the toolbox and selecting choose items
Following this, place the GlassPane control , dock it as you wish and set the
AutoExtend property to true, here I have docked mine on the bottom of the form.
Now running the application should produce
the following result:
Using Code
Now let us take a look at using code to
implement an extended glass frame.When using code ,you are still required to
use the GlassPane,this is because all the code actually does is extend the
frame of the window inwards, if we just use the code and not the GlassPane the
inner part of the window will still cover the extended frame. This can be seen
if you look carefully at the image below.
To use the library ,we must first add a
reference to the AeroGlass dll, placing a GlassPane on the form will
automatically do this, then we add the using statement to use the Classes
in the library.
using AeroGlass;
Now, in the form class, create a new
instance of the Glass class:
Glass g = newGlass();
Place a GlassPane on your form and dock it
as you desire, I have docked mine on the bottom as I did previously, but this
time AutoExtend is set to false. Then in the Form_Load event, call the extendFrame
g.extendFrame(0, glassPane1.Height,
0, 0, this);
The extendFrame function has the following
parameters: intTop ,int Bottom, int Left, int Right Form form. ”this” refers to
the current form. Note that I used the height of the GlassPane as my margin
width for the bottom margin. Running this code will yield the same result as
seen previously
Usage with WPF forms
Using the AeroGlass Library with a WPF form
is a little different but the concept is still the same. Starting with a Blank
WPF form, select the main grid in the center
of the form and give it a name ,have named mine mainGrid.
Next ,add a reference to the AeroGlass dll
and include the following using statement in the code of your window:
using AeroGlass;
Then in
the class:
WpfGlasswg = newWpfGlass();
we add this line to the Window_loaded event:
wg.extendFrame((int)mainGrid.Height, 0, 0, 0, this);
As you
can see, the structure of this last statement is the same as that used in the
Windows Form, the only difference is that the height of mainGrid had to be cast
as an integer. Running this should result in the following:
like a completely glass window, simply change the size of the grid or choose
different properties and parameters to parse or overlay the window with
different controls.
Here I have overlaid a semi-transparent
rectangle to give a nice effect and added a semi-transparent textbox control:
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